The Dark Side Of Authoritarian Parenting

 In Tips on Childcare

Do you have any habit of limiting your child to two options: your way or the highway?

If that’s a yes, then you just might be an authoritarian parent.

An authoritarian style of parenting is the method of raising children strictly, with high demands but little to no effort in hearing them out. This is a more traditional approach at parenting, where the family hierarchy is such that the parents have more influence over their children than the children themselves.

While this style of parenting stems from factors like cultural values, familial beliefs and the like, authoritarian parenting does have its negative effects:

Inferiority Complexes

Children who have authoritarian parents are used to being controlled, but not heard. They are stuck with having to do anything the parent says without having a say in anything. Because of that, they are made to believe from an early age that they are inferior to everyone else, thereby contributing to their long-lasting confidence issues. Such children do not believe their thoughts or feelings have any value to them.

Poor Social Skills

Authoritarian parents control their children to such an extent that they can’t seem to think for themselves. They can’t express their emotions normally, and so they find it difficult to connect with other people on any level. Therefore, they tend to have poor social skills.

Lack Of Self-Discipline

Children with authoritarian parents rely on their parents to care for them because such children are not encouraged to think independently. As a result, they can’t set standards and limits for themselves the way parents can. Therefore, such children are not self-disciplined, especially when their guardians are not around. This leads to more codependent behaviors in the future.

Submissive Attitude

Authoritarian parents have a habit of dictating their children’s lives. And since speaking back or retorting is strictly discourages, toddlers can’t do anything except go with the flow. While it seems necessary in childhood, it ends up shaping the child’s nature to be more submissive. This makes it hard for them to stand up for themselves, or speak out in times of distress. They believe they’re a victim of their circumstances, and so can’t take responsibility and fight back during trials.

Lacking Creativity

Since authoritarian parents don’t encourage their children to think independently, they never get the chance to wonder about things. Their capacity to think beyond the box and be creative with the world around them becomes severely limited; as a result, they begin to lack creativity in everything that they do – from arts and crafts, to problem-solving.

Nurseries in Al Barsha make sure that the environment children study and interact in must be uplifting and constructive. Moreover, we at Oakfield are firm believers that the only way children can thrive and grow is by giving them the freedom to express themselves in a safe, healthy environment. Oakfield achieves that through regular group activities, arts and crafts, sing-along sessions and more. There, every child’s creative flair is appreciated and encouraged, so that no one feels left behind.

While authoritarian parenting might stem from a genuine place, focusing on it excessively will only create long-lasting problems for your little one.

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