Signs That Your Child Needs A Confidence Boost

 In Tips on Childcare

Having a sense of your worth is what defines the way we treat others and ourselves. If someone happens to have low self-esteem, then they will have a hard time dealing with others, and handling the challenges that life may throw at them.

More often than not, signs of low self-esteem can start to surface in childhood. It is only a matter of noticing these signs and working towards solving them – and as a parent, that is your responsibility!

So what kind of signs should you keep an eye out for? Well, we’ve got them compiled here:

Your Child Avoids Challenges

This is a stark example of low self-esteem in children. If they encounter a challenge – like a puzzle or a fun board game – they might not feel confident enough to carry on, and so may give up after the first bout of frustration. In extreme cases, your child might even avoid taking part altogether, simply because they fear failure. This inevitably keeps them from trying anything new, or exciting.

Your Child Can’t Handle Criticism Or Praise

This is a tricky trait of children who need confidence. Children with low self-esteem find it difficult to handle getting praised, because they don’t think they’re worthy, or they think they don’t deserve anything of the sort. On the flip side, such children also can’t take criticism; to them, criticism is the same as failing at something. That causes their fear of fear and frustration kick in, which is why they vehemently reject it.

Your Child’s Emotions Change Drastically

While it is perfectly natural for children to be unable to control their emotions, shy children with self-esteem issues may have their moods change to the extremes. They may cry easily, have intense outbursts of anger, or get extremely quiet at the slightest bit of inconvenience. This is a sign that most parents overlook as their “child being a child” – but it is an important sign to notice!

Your Child Withdraws Themselves Socially

Children who have confidence issues find it difficult to interact with other people. Since they have a low sense of worth for their selves, they don’t expect others to treat them any better. By withdrawing themselves away from others, they feel as if they’re protecting themselves from getting hurt.

So if your child finds it difficult to make friends or find it difficult to play with others in parks or play areas, then they just might need a good confidence boost.

When it comes to giving a confidence boost, a parent should always encourage their child to step outside of their comfort zone; give them the chance to try new things, all while praising their efforts so that they know their worth. In such cases, a parent can make the job easier by enrolling their child to a good daycare. Nurseries in Al Barsha are great at encouraging children to be more confident – and Oakfield Early Learning Centre is no less. Practitioners at Oakfield organize fun group activities where even the timidest children are given the chance to take part and express themselves. This helps shy children build a stronger sense of self-esteem.

As a parent, you should always keep an eye on your child – and make sure they know that they’re worth the entire world!

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