What’s Going On In Your Toddler’s Mind

 In Recreation

Raising children during their toddler years is one of the most memorable and rewarding times of a parent’s life. Even so, any parent would admit that they’d have their work cut in half if they had just known what was going on in their little one’s mind.

The truth is that a lot is going on in your child’s brain; the world is an entirely new place for them, and they want to explore more. They are limited with their few words and even fewer physical skills, but their mind is almost always working, creating neural pathways with every passing day. So before we can think of ways to raise them well, we need to know how their minds work first.

Fight And Flight

Humans are wired in such a way, that if they’re in any high-stress situation, they will react to either run from the problem, or fight it head on. Adults are capable of differentiating between genuinely stressful situations and exciting situations – like getting stuck in an elevator versus a roller-coaster ride.

Toddlers can’t find the difference between the two, and so find any stressful situation scary. Hence, parents should be mindful of not exposing children to overwhelming conditions, that can potentially trouble them in the long run.


Toddlers have a limited vocabulary, and so can’t express themselves to their parents fully. So when some request of theirs is ignored multiple times, they will resort to whining.

In the end, children want any kind of attention, and they will do it anything to get it. This too is a kind of instinctive behavior, where the youngest of the pack acts out to gain attention from the elders. As a parent, you need to read through this behavior, and make them realize that negative actions won’t get them what they want.

So as long as they’re not getting hurt, try your best to ignore their pleas or distract them entirely.

Extra Curious

Parents often notice that their children have a habit of finding almost anything interesting – whether its their own shadow, a little worm wriggling through soil, or the feeling of rain on their face. In reality, this has a biological reason behind it – children have few inhibiting neurotransmitters, which causes their brain to fire off whenever they receive a stimulus. This is where their extra curiosity comes from!

While parents find their children’s incessant questions about random things annoying, this is actually a good learning tool. Just know that your child is learning how to process information on their own, and will ultimately be good learners with this skill.

Nurseries in Dubai Marina are great at honing this innate curiosity for the better. In fact, Oakfield Early Learning Centre takes it up a notch through fun group activities and interactive class discussions. Professional practitioners let children express themselves through art or through academics, and they make sure that they’re excited to learn about new things.

Dr. Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist, says, ““There’s actually a lot more connections in a child’s brain than in adult one.” That’s why you may find it challenging to manage your toddler at times! In the end, remember that both you and your toddler are trying their best to coexist. Hence, you should enjoy raising your child, and make as many memories as you can.

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