How To Raise A Daredevil Toddler Safely

 In Recreation

Raising daredevil children is something not every parent can do. It involves a lot of worrying after a hyperactive toddler, and not enough assurance that they won’t hurt themselves any time soon.

But we can’t blame them, because they can’t help it; as soon as a child enters toddlerhood, they develop a growing sense of awareness and curiosity; they have an undying need to explore everything as actively as they can, by climbing, jumping – and even biting!

Just because it’s innate in some children, doesn’t mean it can’t be handled with care. Here is how you can raise your daredevil child, while keeping them safe:

Keep Them Secure

The house is your toddler’s playground, and they will find every moment they can to explore everything, especially when you’re not looking. In order to prevent them from hurting themselves – without inhibiting their free space – you should baby-proof everything. This may include putting up a play-pen they can’t climb out of, high-chairs for art activities, or even carpeting the floors if your child is a wild one!

Understand & Embrace

No matter how much you’d prefer a calmer child, in the end, it just might be in your child’s nature to be energetic. Instead of counting it as a nuisance, understand where it’s coming from; accept your child as being a little more confident, outgoing and braver than the rest, and embrace it. The sooner you accept something instead of fighting it, you’ll be better at handling them. Plus, you’ll get to make more memories with them this way!

Teach Them Boundaries

Despite being understanding of your child’s fearlessness, you must let them know that there are some limits that should not be crossed. For example, your child might love jumping from one sofa to the next, but they aren’t allowed to jump across stair-steps or the kitchen table! Setting simple boundaries from an early age helps children understand that some things are out-of-bounds for them, and so they learn how to control themselves. This self-control helps children grow out of their daredevil brains!

Channel Their Energy

Daredevil toddlers have a lot of energy, and its when they unleash it all that it becomes difficult to handle them. Removing their energy entirely is something that’s nearly impossible – so the next best thing is to apply it to something useful.

Set out specific times of the day for certain activities your child can do. Make sure you allow an equal amount of indoor and outdoor play time, so that they get equal exposure to both. Children love following routine – especially active ones – so creating one that let’s them channel their inner daredevil in a constructive way is a great route to pick.

We have to admit, this method of raising daredevil children can be tricky. They may go out-of-control any moment, and so easily step out of their routines. For such extreme cases, daycare centres can do just the trick. Nurseries in Dubai Marina are great at handling both timid and hyper children – and Oakfield Early Learning Centre is no exception. The daycare has many professional caretakers who set fixed routines filled with fun study sessions, group activities and play-times. This works exceptionally well for daredevil toddlers, who find it easier to follow the instructions in a timid manner once they realize that others are doing the same. It’s a great way to channel their energy in a safe – yet fun! – way.

In the end, your toddler’s happiness and safety matter the most. Value both equally, and your child will thank you for a childhood spent well!

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