Back-to-School and Children of Determination

 In jlt, Recreation

A new school year, a new beginning – that’s the general belief of all parents when the month of September comes in.

Unfortunately, for parents with children of determination, there are a lot more challenges to face – especially if it’s their child’s first day of school. Apart from the usual hassle of getting the right books, stationery and school supplies, such parents also have to consider each school’s IEP, and see if meets theirs – and their child’s – requirements.

So what is IEP?

IEP stands for Individualised Education Plan (or Program). This is something prevalent among parents whose children struggle with their studies – either due to behavioural issues, or certain disabilities.

However, this is a lot more than just a “legal” document. It’s an entire map that lays out how a struggling child has to achieve special education instruction, supports and services.

It is worth noting that the purpose of an IEP is to meet the child’s educational needs based on his or her development – not some set of predetermined expectations. The IEP hence takes both strengths and setbacks, and uses them simultaneously: a child’s strengths are used to correct any setbacks. The team of educators have to consider the teaching environment as well, making sure it is not too restrictive. For example, an aggressive boy will study better in an open, spacious room instead of a cramped, crowded class.

Benefits of IEP

Getting an IEP for a struggling child has many benefits. It all starts falling into place when a full evaluation process is completed, showing a child’s strengths and weaknesses. This allows a parent to work with the school to create an entire program tailored specifically to that child’s needs.

This program consists of individualised instruction that focuses on improving specific areas, subjects or skills. Other services include extended time on tests, assistive technology and speech-language therapy. An IEP is so conceptually sound that it even gives a child and his/her parent legal protections, including exclusive rights to be involved in decisions targeted for the child’s education.

This, coupled with the added benefits on school discipline, your child ultimately improves in term of their self-esteem, skills and hence finds success at school.

What Next?

As soon as school season comes back, parents should meet with the school team for a review of their child’s needs. As per the situation, the school team can include more teachers, nurses, psychologists and other services to ease the learning process.

You may think that this is all the involvement a parent can do, now that the IEP has commenced its job – but in reality, a parent’s role has just begun.

We have to admit, the process will be tiring – but it’s worth it. In order to make sure the IEP services are working – and that your child is improving – then parents need to be involved in every step of the way.

Therefore, it is important to maintain regular contact with your IEP team; the valuable information they can share includes the child’s progress, how they behave in class and any problems they might have faced, thereby allowing you to make even more progressive goals for your child in the future. Both you and your child will inevitably be playing important roles in building self-advocacy skills in your child, necessary for their development beyond high school.

This kind of strong-willed commitment doesn’t come easy, especially when you’re planning for your struggling child’s first day of school. But nurseries like Oakfield Early Learning Center in Emirates Living, Dubai, make the process easier for you. Our skilled practitioners keep the child motivated through fresh, fun ways of learning, while they continue to adapt to their own innovative IEPs. Furthermore, they don’t hesitate to keep you updated on your child’s progress through every step.

At Oakfield, we don’t let your child drop out of the race – we help them win.

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