How To Take Care Of Your Toddler’s Skin

 In Tips on Childcare

Children have soft but sensitive skin, and they can’t take care of it themselves yet. That’s why it’s important for you as a parent to make sure their skin is clean, smooth and free of any infection. This calls for more than just the average bath; toddlers tend to be active, and hence go through dust, dirt, and sweat more than usual. That’s why it is even more necessary to make sure their playfulness is never interrupted by any kind of rash!

We have compiled some points to help you take care of your toddler’s skin better:

Use Gentle Soaps

Whether it’s for washing hands or their bodies, always use gentle soaps with no fragrance, dyes, or strange chemicals. That will cause their skin to dry out, redden or even react negatively. The more natural you keep your choice, the better.

Keep Bath-time Short

Too much time spent in soapy bubbly water will cause your toddler’s skin to dry out quicker than normal. To avoid that, always keep bath-times short and fun-filled, and so shouldn’t exceed the 10-15 minute mark.

Moisturize After

After every bath-time, make sure you apply a little bit of baby oil on your child’s body so that it is always smooth and soft. You can either pick non-scented oils and creams or use natural options like almond oil.

Protect Them From Sun

For a toddler, sunshine might be their friend – but the UV rays within are their skin’s enemies! Whenever they go outside to play, always make sure they apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or above, so that any exposed skin is kept safe from any burn. To be on the safe side, always pick unscented sunscreen that doesn’t feel heavy on the skin.

Always Monitor

No matter how many precautions you take, always keep an eye on their skin – especially their thighs, bottom, and genitals. These areas are the most susceptible areas for rash attacks, so make sure you’re monitoring their skin. In case any part of their skin does flare up, apply scentless baby powder, or consult with your pediatrician in case it lasts longer than normal.

Dress Appropriately

Since children have such sensitive skin, you should dress your child accordingly. Cotton clothes are preferred since they’re the most comfortable. Avoid nylon, since they can be itchy for children. Keep clothes clean by washing them in warm water regularly.

Keep Them Hydrated

Water is the best way to achieve healthy skin, so make sure your child is always drinking the right amount of water daily. For toddlers, the recommended volume of water every day is around 1.3 liters.

Let Children Tag Along

Who says skincare has to be a one-man job? You can allow your child to chime along by taking them through the entire process with you. Show them every step that you’re doing, and explain why you’re doing it. For example, when you’re moisturizing their body, tell them that this will help “keep your skin soft like a pillow!” The more fun and interactive you make these activities, the better.

With such impromptu lessons, they can learn how to better take care of themselves, even if they’re at daycare. If the daycare you pick is as proficient as Oakfield Early Learning Centre, you’ll have reliable practitioners who can guide your child through their skincare routine – without you needing to be overseeing like a hawk! After all, Oakfield is one nursery in Jumeirah Park that encourages hygiene.

Skincare is one of the most underrated good habits every child should have – because before they can grow up to be independent, they should know how to take care of themselves.


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