How To Balance Children And Work? Essential Tips For Parents

 In Tips on Childcare

Being a parent is not something you are familiar with. You had a life before the child was born, you went out, could enjoy ‘me’ time, and work as per your convenience. However, a child changes many things for parents, especially the mother. Many mothers find it difficult to go back to work after having babies because it is difficult to strike a balance between work and children. Often moms feel guilty for leaving the child at home (or in a nursery) while trying to make a career. At times, even if you try to work everything out for everyone’s happiness (the child and the boss), you end up tiring yourself in the process. This fatigue often translates into frustration and anger which does no good to anyone. If you are able to identify with any of this, then here are some tips to help you strike a balance between your personal and professional life:

  • Pre-Preparation Helps

If you are always rushing through the morning and hardly find any time to relax, then it would be better if you did some of the work at night. Have the ingredients ready for breakfast the night before, keep the kitchen clean, keep clothes ready for both yourself and the children, ask the children to prepare their bags beforehand. Stick to the routine and things become easily manageable.

  • Plan Your Meals

Since you don’t have much time on weekdays, do preparations over the weekend for the entire week. You can plan the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner and keep the ingredients ready. Chop vegetables; prepare sauces and batter beforehand to save time.

  • Flexible Work Schedule Can Ease Life

Juggling family and work is not easy, especially for mothers. Leaving a job is hard to do, especially with children in the picture. But you can ask for a flexible work schedule. This will leave you with enough time to manage on both fronts with relative ease.

  • Let Work Remain At The Workplace

Some people have difficulty in having a switch-off/ switch-on mode when it comes to working. Bringing work home, even as an idea or actual workload takes a toll on your mind. You keep thinking about it without realising that it is acting as an emotional burden and making you cranky. You won’t be able to enjoy your children and family life if you cannot switch yourself off from work when at home.

  • Ensure You Have Me Time

Managing things can take a toll on you, both physically and mentally. In the long run, you can have emotional breakdown which can be difficult to get out. If you wish to avoid such a situation, you need to keep some ‘me’ time daily. Do what you want during this time; read, listen to music, paint, watch something or go out with friends. This time is essential to keep the stress out of your life.

  • Use The Internet To Ease Your Workload

Thanks to the internet revolution, you can get things done with ease from the comfort of your home. Such as paying bills, grocery shopping and even utility shopping. This way you end up saving commuting time as well as standing in queues.

  • Share Your Work With Your Partner

If you have an understanding and helpful partner, you are truly blessed. Sharing the responsibility of the children; taking turns for cleaning or cooking can ease your burden no end. Dividing the task between both partners can lessen the load on anyone and be a good way to strengthen your relationship too.

  • No One Is Perfect – And Its Okay

The idea of a perfect homemaker, wife, or mother is flawed. There is no such thing as perfection in work or at home. There might be things that someone else does better than you; maybe someone’s house is perfect, or the children are doing excellent, but there are things that you aren’t aware of. The people you envy might be envying you too. Stop being perfect and try to be real. Enjoy what you have and worry less.

  • Look For A Good Nursery

Children can learn better when in the company of the peer group. A good nursery can also give you the ease of mind that you need, knowing your child is being taught an education, while also being taken care of in a safe, caring environment. Having your children at Best Nursery in the Marina while you are at work will put your mind at ease. You can concentrate on your work better if you know that your child is well-cared for.

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