The Truth Behind Snow-Plough Parenting

 In General, Recreation

How should I be raising my child?

That happens to be a question on every parent’s mind, whether they’re experienced, or simply new to the game. In either case, the answer is simple: there is no one way. There are plenty of parenting techniques – from free-range to helicopter parenting! – but not all of them are the best. In fact, one of the most troublesome parenting styles is “snow-plough parenting”.

These kinds of parents tip over the obsessive edge; they refuse to let go of their child’s hand, complete all difficult tasks for them, and never let their child near any obstacle. Though such parents have good intentions, they simply don’t know the consequences they’re causing.

Here’s why snow-ploughing parenting is not the technique for your child:

It Shelters Children From The Real World

A snow-ploughing parent has the habit of being there for their child all the time – and we mean all the time.

Although it’s great to keep children away from harm, too much of it means you’re making them less resilient. They can’t learn how to deal with difficulties, or solve problems if they never encounter them to begin with. This makes them unable to handle real-life situations and troublesome times when they face them in their adulthood.

Children Become Entitled & Unaccountable

Children who are raised by snow-ploughing parents tend to live in their own bubble – a world where they never had to struggle for anything.

This makes children feel entitled – meaning they learn to expect everything being done for them. A sense of entitlement garnered at such a young age makes children grow up to be unapproachable and unprofessional adults.

Furthermore, when such children are in the wrong, snow-ploughing parents smother them with the infamous “it’s not your fault”. This kind of thinking keeps children under the impression that they can’t do any wrong, and hence they are unable to be held accountable. An unapologetic behaviour like that always spells trouble.

Children Develop Low Self-Esteem

Where one kind of child raised in a snow-ploughing household might grow up to be a pompous adult, the other kind gets bit by the low self-esteem bug.

Since a snow-ploughing parent tends to make their child’s decisions for them, they make them believe that their choices are either wrong, or simply invalid. This reduces children into thinking that their voice simply doesn’t matter, or isn’t powerful enough. It causes them to doubt themselves in every step of the way, hindering them from learning how to be responsible adults. A lack of willingness to take risks and learn new things – simply out of fear – ruins their chances at ever growing beyond their shell.

Children who are raised by such controlling parents need to be shown the real world in a healthy, constructive manner – and nurseries in JLT pose the best chance for that. In fact, Oakfield Early Learning Centre stands out by having an intuitive curricula designed to open young minds. It also happens to be taught by a team of dedicated practitioners, meaning the children there get to learn valuable life lessons in a fun, interesting way.

A slightly hands-on attempt at parenting might be helpful if done in moderation – but too much force, and you just might be keeping your child from unlocking their full potential. Whatever method of parenting you pick, make sure you give your child enough freedom to learn and grow.

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