Raising An Only Child The Right Way

 In General

Parenthood is a phase of life with its own set of ups and downs. Perhaps the best – and most challenging – part of it is the simple fact that there is no cookie-cutter way to parent; it is entirely case dependent. Every family has its own rules and ways to raise their children right.

For a parent raising an only child, the case becomes even more challenging. Although such a parent has to face a lot less dirty diapers, they have their own uncertainties to face: Am I raising my child right? Am I making the right decisions?

If these are questions that pass your mind more often than not, then you have come to the right place. Here are some surefire ways you can raise an only child the right way:

Encourage Independence

Since an only child has to make do throughout their childhood without any siblings, they are susceptible to becoming too dependent on their parent. While this is understandable at a young age, letting it last for too long is a recipe for disaster.

It is vital that you as a parent encourage your child to be independent. Start with basic steps: buttoning their own coat, picking their own pajamas, eating food on their own. These are great examples of allowing your child to do things on their own, so that they don’t rely on others in the future.

If you want to read more tips on how to encourage independence for your little one, we have the right blog for you.

Resist The Urge To Control

Parenting your first – and only! – child is extra nerve-wracking because you constantly want to protect your child in every step of the way. And while your intentions are pure, you’re not helping them learn their way through life by constantly hovering over them.

Instead, resist the urge to control your child all the time. Be present to keep them away from harm, but otherwise let them make their own decisions wherever they can. This comes especially handy when dealing with conflicts; instead of solving the problem for them (and in turn making them dependent on you), let them come to their own solution with their own methods. Giving them a sense of self-reliance does wonders to their self-confidence.

Let Them Socialize

Only children tend to be slow at social settings, mainly because they’re so used to their own company. If you want them to get over their social awkwardness, you should expose them to other children.

Perhaps the best way to start this approach is by enrolling your child in a daycare centre – and Oakfield Early Learning Centre is a good nursery in Jumeirah Park to pick. It’s got an array of professional teachers, including ones specializSed for Children Of Determination. The environment there is extremely constructive, positive, and filled with sociable children. It’s the perfect place to let your children foster healthy relationships and lasting memories.

Parenting can be tough – but it happens to be one of the most rewarding experiences. That’s why it’s important to enjoy the time you spend with your little one!

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