Feeding Mistakes You Need To Avoid

 In General

Whether you have a toddler that won’t mind their plate of food, or someone who is the pickiest of eaters, feeding them can be a taxing job. As a parent, you have to make sure you’re feeding them the right stuff, without leaving them full or hungry. No matter how conscious an effort you make, there are always some things that might slip under the radar – i.e. feeding mistakes.

These feeding mistakes can create many problems in the long run, so you need to make sure you avoid them at all costs.

“Finish Your Plate!”

As parents, we often obsess over the idea of our children finishing their plate of food. While it’s good practice to reduce food wastage, there’s no point in forcing your child to eat everything if they’re not that hungry to begin with. This only adds unnecessary pressure on your little one, who expects punishment or disappointment if they don’t always finish their food, regardless of whether they’re hungry or not.

A better approach is to give small portions, so that they can eat as much as they need to without wasting food completely.


Whether it’s broccoli or spinach, you might cook something your child despises. Even though you want your child to eat healthy, there’s no point in forcing them to eat something they don’t enjoy. This will only make your child hate mealtimes more, and will leave both you and your child annoyed at your wits’ ends.

Be mindful of your child’s willingness to eat, as well as their preferences. If it’s something they don’t like, give it to them in moderation; tell your child that it’s what they need to eat, so that they know what to expect.


One of the most well-known cheats to make your child enjoy their veggies is by offering bribes – it can be sweets, toys, or abundant play-times. Although it’s the easiest way to get your child to obey you, it actually has a negative impact in the long-run: instead of making them like undesirable foods, they actually dislike it more. On top of that, treats become something they start to expect with every mealtime, which only worsens the situation.

Mild bribes from time to time can help, but making it a mealtime necessity must be avoided. Show your child that sometimes options have to be limited, and that they should try something new for once.

Lack of Structure

Parents like giving their children snacks, juices and milk between meals. This kind of missing structure when it comes to food ends up keeping children’s stomachs full for longer periods of time. Therefore, children can’t eat properly during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The better choice is to assign fixed times for meals, with a designated place of eating like the dining table. This helps them learn how to eat only when they have to, not when they want to!

Nurseries in JLT help give structure to children’s mealtimes. In fact, Oakfield Early Learning Centre takes it a step further by promoting healthy snacks and lunches, so that children become more accepting of healthy foods, and less dependent on junk food. This keeps them from compromise on their health in any case.

It’s human to make mistakes, especially when you’re raising your child. All that matters is if you fix them with smart methods.

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