Daily Routine: The Best Decision You Could Make

 In General

Routine is what helps children understand organisation – i.e. the ability to know what you want to do, how you want it done, what problems to expect and to persist until the task is done.

Though the true concept of organisational skills is far from the average toddler’s realm of understanding, routines certainly help implement it’s essence at an early age. Here is why setting a routine for your child is possibly the best parenting decision you could make:

Routines give your child confidence and independence

When your child has a fixed routine to follow, they know exactly when they have to pick up their toys, brush their teeth or get ready for bedtime. Instead of being told what to do, they’ll do their own tasks on their own, giving them a shot at independence at an early age. They will also feel a surge of confidence as they complete each task; such positive sentiments built at a young age help calm down negative behaviour.

They help set good habits

Children are impressionable enough to quickly fall into habit – which is why their childhood is the perfect time to set them in a routine. Once they make daily chores like completing their homework, eating food on time and washing hands part of their norm, they immediately create long-lasting, constructive habits. As they grow older, they’ll naturally incline towards good time management, healthy eating and sleeping patterns, and self-discipline.

Routines help deal with change

Whether it’s a divorce, shifting houses or changing schools, sudden change often stress the child out without them even knowing. This is mainly because an outwardly change creates a change within them, and when they’re not given enough time to adjust, they often have to pay the price. Routines hence act as an anchor; they provide children with calmness and stability, especially when the family is directly involved.

“Building routines with your children helps them feel safe,” says Danielle Kaufman, a Child Psychologist of Melbourne child psychology and school psychology services.

They help set boundaries

A child does not know the difference between right and wrong; they will often want to do something intriguing without caring for the consequences. Scolding does not always help, and only serves to generate negative feelings within the family. Therefore, routines help solve the problem by setting boundaries. Following said-routines help respect said-boundaries, and become more mindful of their actions and their consequences.

Home is the first and fundamental place a child can start settling in routines, because parents help them understand their behaviour and their long-term effects – but that does not mean other places can’t help in the process. Nurseries in JVC (Jumeirah Village Circle) value good habits and healthy routines immensely – especially Oakfield Early Learning Center. In fact, teachers in Oakfield make sure the time and duration of activities like study sessions, play times and nap times are fixed, so that children learn the importance of discipline beyond the household.

No doubt, creating and implementing a routine from scratch is a hard ordeal. It requires effort, persistence, and a lot of slip ups amidst the process – but the reward of self-regulation and beneficial habits in the future are quite fruitful.

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