Cure Your Child’s Fussy-Eating Habits

 In General

Let’s face the facts: no toddler will ever eat everything they’re given. At some point in their early years, they become picky, and eat only things they like.

While it’s a habit that’s forgivable in its early stages, it becomes problematic if it lasts well through one’s toddlerhood. Because then, it turns into a terrible habit of always eating slow, little, and getting cranky in the process.

Fussy-eaters must be taught to grow out of their habits, and here are some points that will help you out:

Let Them Play Their Part

Children get fussy over their food if they don’t know what they’re expecting. So give them a share of responsibility during breakfast, lunch and dinner; for example, your child could choose a fruit or vegetable in the grocery store, and you could decide how you cook it. Letting them be involved in the meal-planning process helps them feel more in control, and hence more willing to eat whatever you give them.

Make Mealtimes Fun

Fussy-eaters tend to think of mealtimes as chores they don’t want to do. If the environment is a bit more appealing, they will find it easier to calm down and try to eat something different. Keep the table neat and clean, without any distractions, so that your toddler remains focused on eating their food. Add a bit of fun flair by cutting out shapes in their food, or using colorful plates and cups.

Don’t Bribe, Don’t Punish

The worst thing you could do is make your child feel guilty for something they can’t control at such a young age. Don’t punish them because they refuse to eat what you serve – accept that as a habit they need help overcoming, instead of an inherent problem. Understand that your child just might have a different way of dealing with trying new food, so you should adjust with them.

On the flip side, don’t work around their habit by offering them bribes, no matter how easy it might feel. This ends up making the prize more desirable than the food they should be eating, and creates problems in the long-run.

Be Realistic

Let’s be real – your child won’t drop their nagging habits all at once, and eat whatever you offer them. There will be days that they won’t listen to you, no matter what you do.

As a parent, you need to accept that as an important part of the process, and continue to push through it. Instead of showing your disappointment, be realistic; maybe your child finds it’s smell overwhelming, or its appearance funny. In any case, don’t expect the most out of your little one straight away – after all, it normally takes 10 to 15 tries before a child starts enjoying something new to eat.

For example, first start with showing your child the new kind of food, and making them touch, lick or taste it. Small samples make it easy for them to adjust, while making it appealing will help them let go of their annoyances quicker. Slowly and surely, they will learn to enjoy new varieties.

Another way you can cure a child’s fussy-eating habits is by adjusting them to proper meal-times. Nurseries in Dubai Marina work hard to promote fixed snack and lunch times for their students – but Oakfield Early Learning Centre stands out. They not only have fixed lunch times, but also encourage children to bring nutritious, baby-friendly choices, so that their health is never compromised.

A child’s health should always be prioritized first – and with these helpful tips, you’ll be able to cure your child’s fussy-eating habits in no time.

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