Here Is How You Can Cure Parenting Guilt

 In General

All parents – old and new – have at some point in their lives held their heads in their hands, and wondered, “What did I do wrong?”

Okay, some might not have done this literally – but the feeling of guilt is always there, and it’s quite common among parents. It’s the feeling when parents doubt their own parenting methods, and wonder whether they’re even working at all or not. Common instances when this feeling shows include:

  • You forgot your child’s special event or day
  • You can’t give your child something because of a personal limitation
  • You snap at your child when you lose your patience
  • Your child wants you to play with them, but you decline

No matter what reason, the guilt often stems from a good place – a place where a parent doesn’t want to disappoint their child.

However, it’s not something that should last forever; feeling constantly guilty or uncertain ends up causing more damage than improvement, and hence must be promptly cured. Here is how:

Understand that it’s normal

An issue is easier to deal with if you accept is as a part of life, and hence being unavoidable. In fact, parents must realise that parental guilt is something even the best moms and dads experience at some point in their lives, and so should not be alienated completely. Simply reminding yourself that what you’re feeling is normal – and not permanent – can do wonders.

Think before you speak

Guilt comes when you do or say something you regret – so think carefully when responding to your child. For example, they may be disagreeing with you at something silly – but are they being disrespectful? Is what they’re demanding something that’s easy to accomplish? And is it a battle you can let go of?

Thinking logically before responding helps you deal with your child’s tantrums, mood swings and the like easily, without feeling guilty in the process.

Connect with other parents for encouragement

Sometimes a good few words of encouragement are all that you need to fix that parenting guilt. So get connected with parents – either in person or online through social media – and share your stories. Share the good and bad times, so that you can receive constructive advice from other parents who are in the same boat as you. Furthermore, giving others positive feedback also helps reduce the guilty feeling.

Solve practically

Sometimes, the feeling of uncertainty is just you worrying about a problem. Solving it once and for all is a great way to get rid of guilt altogether!

If your child wants to play a game, let them have the reins for a while; if you snapped at them unnecessarily, go to them to apologize and hug, and remind them that you love them. And if you feel guilty that you don’t let your child enjoy the outside world enough – enroll them to a daycare centre.

Nurseries in JLT are great at giving children a mixture of fun and learning, and Oakfield Early Learning Centre is no exception. It’s EYFS curriculum allows children to explore the world and learn new things through interactive lessons and fun-filled activities.

In the end, parenting guilt is normal to feel – and it’s curable. After all, you’re also a parent learning the art of raising happy, healthy children!

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