Why Your Toddler Needs A Furry Little Friend

 In Fun

The thought of adopting a pet always comes across the minds of new families. However, parents sometimes fall down a spiral of doubts – who will take care of yet another member? How will the child bond with animals? Will they end up becoming scared?

Such doubts are common, but they are also excessive and untrue. The truth is far from being so dismal.

Unless a family member has any allergies related to animals or fur in general, adopting a pet early into the family actually has many more benefits than drawbacks – and science has proven that. A recent study published in the September 2017 issue of the journal Anthrozoös has determined that children with pets while growing up were more obedient, more active, and more healthy, with fewer behavioural problems. This clearly shows that keeping pets does something right.
Here are reasons why your toddler might need a furry little friend:

Pets love unconditionally

No matter how grumpy, sad or irritated your child might be, you’ll never see a pet complaining.

Pets are non-judgemental, and so will be there for your little one when even their parents’ comforting words don’t work. Having a companion like a loyal pet helps children receive unconditional, pure love from someone other than a parent. This ultimately helps them feel more appreciated, safe and loved.

Pets teach responsibility

A pet can’t take care of itself – which is why a toddler learns how to volunteer!

When you adopt a pet, you adopt many responsibilities too – like its food, bath times, exercise, the list goes on. Although children can’t become experts at taking care of pets from the get-go, they can learn how to manage simple tasks like filling the water bowl, or brushing its fur. As they grow up, they become better at handling responsibilities on their own without complaining.

Pets help toddlers become more sociable

Whether your toddler is still unable to form coherent conversational skills, they will still babble away with their pets!

That’s because pets help children feel stimulated to speak, even if they can’t form proper words yet. This helps them exercise basic cognitive language skills, which will ultimately help them become better speakers. Furthermore, it will also make children more outspoken and confident, making them that much more capable of socialising with other children.

Pets have therapeutic powers

Studies have shown that pets – or animals in general – help lower stress and anxiety in children, while simultaneously making them happier and calmer. That way, having a pet for children who might be shy or anxious can help them heal better.

Psychologist Elizabeth Anderson sums this up most eloquently in her 2008 book, The Powerful Bond Between People and Pets: “Nothing less than alchemy is involved when animals and children get together, and the resulting magic has healing properties that work well.”

Nurseries in Dubai Marina help children explore the benefits of having animals. Oakfield Early Learning Centre has gone as far as to hold an educational field trip for children, where they got to see various kinds of domestic animals.

In much the same way, Oakfield promotes activities where children learn more about the world around them, and how to interact with it in a healthy, constructive manner.

The next time you think about adopting a pet for your little one, definitely try it out – let your child enjoy all the benefits!

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