Stress-free Travelling Tips for You & Your Toddler

 In Fun, General

With holidays just around the corner, your much-needed family vacation awaits you. Whether you’re heading over to your relatives, or you want to visit a foreign land, you’ll always have a common denominator to handle: your toddler.

Travelling with children is always a daunting task; no matter how prepared or experienced you may be, there are always just enough potential risks to make you feel uneasy. Carrying stress into your vacation is simply counterproductive, so here are ways you – and your little one! – can enjoy your family get-away together:

Plan beforehand

This goes without saying – but always plan before you decide to go on a vacation. We’re talking about details from length of stay, what things you need to carry and such, down to the kind of weather you’re going to face. You need to make sure your knowledge is up-to-date, and right at your fingertips. The last thing you need is your child throwing a temper tantrum just because you haven’t decided what restaurant to eat from.

Travel light

Only carry what you need, not whatever you have. With a toddler in tow, it’s hard to drop a few things off the list, in fear they’ll be bothered throughout the trip. An easy way to manage that is by packing things you can’t replace – a few select clothes, crib, blankets and their favourite toy are more than enough. Leave things you can buy later on, like diapers, formula, snacks, wipes and the like.

The lighter you travel, the less cluttered you feel – and the more easily you can manage yourself and your child.

Dress comfortably

You wouldn’t want to run around with toddlers in tow feeling uncomfortable – that spells disaster! Pack clothes you know you can move well in, while being mindful of temperature changes –  a pit stop at a gas station might get extremely hot, or the aeroplane might get frigidly cold.

In both cases, keep your toddler prepared as well. Pack extra layers of clothes, making sure they’re not time consuming to put on, or itchy on the skin.

Be ready for air pressure

The worst thing to face is the changes in air pressure during flights, causing ear discomfort. For toddlers, this can be a nightmare – so carry enough water with you throughout the trip. Give them some right before lift-off, and then keep giving them tiny sips with 30-45 min intervals. The consistent swallowing motion helps relieve some of the ear pain or discomfort for the child.

Know your child’s routine

Whether you’re flying over or going on a road trip, you must plan an itinerary that adjusts well with your child – otherwise, you’ll just have to sit through a 3 hour trip with a fussy toddler!

For that, you need to know your toddler’s routine in and out; when do they sleep, when do they wake up, when are they most active, when do they need food or a change of clothes – everything needs to be on your fingertips. Make sure all these kinds of time slots are fitted into the day’s or week’s plan, so that your child enjoys the vacation as much as you do.

Travelling is a great way children learn more about what lies beyond their houses. Nurseries in Jumeirah Park like Oakfield promote this sense of exploration in children through safe, educational field trips, and fun-filled activities with their little friends. Once they understand the world around them more, only then can they contribute to its betterment in the near future.

Since travelling is so integral for good development, you should make sure the trip is safe, comfortable – and fun!

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