How to Raise An Optimist

 In Fun, Recreation

Childhood is made of little moments, experiences that help them either have fun in the moment, or learn a valuable lesson. Such experiences help children grow into healthy and happy adults.

Happy adults are what we call optimists: people who tend to see the positive side in everything. Although it’s a mindset children can’t seem to grasp from toddler-hood, that does not it’s seeds can’t be sown from the start.

Here are ways you can raise an optimistic child:

Be A Positive Role Model

Children learn the most from their parents as they grow up; therefore, being surrounded by a positive influence will surely make them catch the same happy fever!

As a parent, you must be positive around your child; be thankful for the good times that come your way, and be hopeful when it comes to misfortunes. Adopting this kind of constructive thinking helps children learn how to deal with their problems without losing any spirit.

Encourage Risk-Taking

Being optimistic is not just about being happy-go-lucky all the time; it’s about taking chances, and handling the results in a positive way, regardless of whether they’re favourable or not. Children tend to stay within their comfort zone – but that only limits their growth.

Encourage your child to take risks and handle decision-making on their own. Once they learn how to be sure of themselves and their decisions, they will gain self-confidence. This ultimately helps children believe in themselves more, and be more positive when it comes to tough situations.

Understand Their Struggles

Perhaps the main obstacle keeping children from being optimistic is the fear of having problems others won’t understand. Break that cycle before it gets the chance to run forth!

Your child facing their own kinds of problems is inevitable, but that does not mean you can’t be there for them. Always make a note to hear their voice, and acknowledge their struggles, no matter how trivial they may seem to be. Once they know that their feelings are valid, they learn how to rise from the situation, instead of succumbing to the negativity.

Expect The Best – But Accept The Worst

As children grow, they develop a sense of accomplishment; they begin to understand how completing a task or a challenge makes them feel good about themselves. However, overcoming that feeling of apprehension before taking on a challenge – now that can be tricky.

Being able to overcome that apprehensive feeling is vital for an optimistic child. The best way to do that is by expecting the best from your child, while being ready for the worst outcome as well. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, it actually works – because it helps children operate in the world realistically, while simultaneously doing their best efforts.

Nurseries in Palm Jumeirah are well-versed in the art of nurturing optimistic children. In fact, Oakfield Early Learning Centre has professional practitioners who always uplift their students through good actions, positive behaviour, and many smiles. By promoting a healthy, constructive environment, children pick up on the same optimistic habits.

Who says only adults can look at the silver lining? Even children can enjoy the perks of a positive attitude!

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