Clever Ways You Can Keep Your Toddler Busy

 In Fun, Games

As a parent, you have to tend to many things all at once. Sometimes, it’s impossible to dedicate all your time and energy to your little one, and so you choose to let them enjoy their own company.

But just placing them in front of a blaring TV screen might not be the best trick in the book. Not only are you putting their health at risk, but also creating unnecessary dependency – simply put, you’re limiting the many ways your child can learn to have fun!

There are many unique, fun ways you can keep your toddler busy – here are just to name a few:

Messy Play

The best kind of play for children is the kind that has no rules. So let your little one go wild! Get a large tray, and give them things they can mix like paints, water, dough, flour, the list goes on. Make sure none of the things you’re providing are toxic, so that they stay out of harm’s way. With such an exercise, not only will your toddler stay busy on their own, but they will also get to experiment with their creative selves.

Color Matching

Hand your child a mix of different toys, blocks and other miscellaneous things. Give them four to five containers labelled with different colors, and make them match the item with the right color. This is a constructive activity that will help them learn how to differentiate between colors on their own. Other than that, “sorting” activities are something children naturally love and enjoy doing.

Make Them Help Around

Who says that your child should be busy separately? Give them tiny tasks to complete alongside you! If you’re busy cleaning the house, give your child a cloth with which they can dust table tops, books, and even their toys; if you’re cooking lunch or dinner, give your child the task to pull out safe things like spoons or napkins out of drawers. Such tasks are easy since you can keep a closer eye on your little one, while simultaneously teaching them independence.

Fun With Colander

A colander might be an average object in your kitchen, but it can be something exciting for your little one! Hand them some colorful pipe cleaners, and let them unleash the fun; they could weave them through multiple colander holes at a time, or stick them out in all odd directions to create a monster! With such few items, the options are endless.

Fridge Magnets

This one is pretty self-explanatory: get some fun fridge magnets, and give them to your child. Watch them play around, create scenarios, and bring their imaginations to life. Using magnetic alphabets adds another layer of fun, since now they can practice their ABCs and learn new words on their own.

Daycare centres also try their best to keep idle children busy. In fact, nurseries in JLT work actively to provide children with fun activities – but Oakfield Early Learning Centre innovates the game. Over there, professional practitioners organize group activities that help nurture children’s academic and creative sides. Bonus: such activities also help children learn how to work together seamlessly.

Now you realize that there are many ways you can keep your child busy – simply put, you don’t need a television screen!

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