Adventure Awaits! 5 Indoor Activities For Your Little One

 In Fun, Games

When you see your child giggling at two pieces of Lego blocks they joined together, you might be overcome with overwhelming joy of seeing them happy. It’s important to note, however, is that they’re entering an important part of early development.

Yes – playing is an extremely important aspect of a child’s early years. It is the time where they learn to be creative with their resources, and get a better grip on the world around them.

Despite its benefits, sometimes your child simply gets bored with the toys they have. What do you do then?

Of course – you play with your imagination!

Indoors doesn’t have to be boring. Here are 5 interesting indoor activities your little one can enjoy to the fullest:

1) Build A Blanket Fort

This is an infamous activity, adored by both children and adults alike. It is the perfect task you can join in on with your child: grab the fluffiest blankets, softest pillows and prettiest covers you can find, and build your own fort over your child’s bed, or the living room couch. Fill it with books, toys, treats, and anything that your child enjoys.

2) The Ultimate Cardboard Box

Children’s brains are hardwired to think creatively – that’s why the cardboard box is such a versatile plaything for them. To us, it’s nothing but a carton waiting to be filled with miscellaneous things. But for a child, it’s a world full of possibilities.

Get seated with your child, along with paints, brushes, glitter, glue and stickers. Decorate the entire box with them – and after that, hand them the reigns. It’s up to your child to give it a name – a spacecraft, a pirate ship, a car, it can be anything. Be sure to play along!

3) Tippy Tower

It’s pretty simple: get a hold of 10 to 12 empty cardboard boxes, and have your children take turns to stack them one over another. The goal is to create the tallest tower without it tipping over. It’s a lot harder than you think – so have your children enjoy the challenge!

4) Guess By Touch

As much as sight matters, toddlers must know how to hone their other senses – especially their sense of touch. For that, prepare the ultimate guessing game!

Grab a cardboard box, and cut out a hole small enough for the child’s hand to go through, without letting in as much light. (Bonus points: decorate the box with them!). Then, have your child pick some age-appropriate, safe objects they can keep inside. After that’s done, the game can begin: have your child close their eyes, and guess what object they’re grabbing from the box.

5) A little bit of fun never hurt – so why keep our children from having adventures? Here are 5 indoor activities for your child’s sheer entertainment!Keep The Balloon Up

Another classic game that has never lost its flair over the years! Get five (or more) colourful balloons, and blow them up. Clear up your living room or bedroom area, and get your children ready. Once you’ve thrown the balloons at them, the rules are simple: keep them up in the air – don’t let them touch the ground!

Perhaps the best part about nurseries in Jumeirah Park is that they perfectly blend children’s education with fun. In fact, Oakfield Early Learning Centre has separate innovative spaces where children are allowed to have some fun with great indoor games after a good study session.

Indoor activities are a great outlet for your child to explore their true imaginative selves – so why stop them? A bit of fun never hurt anyone!

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