What Makes A Good Daycare Worker Great

 In Education

There are lots of good daycare centres out there – so much so, that you don’t have to worry too much about choosing the wrong one. Even so, parents want to make sure they’re entrusting their child in the hands of great daycare workers.

So what is it that makes a good daycare worker great? Here are a few of the skills you can look out for in practitioners:

They Are Friendly

This goes without saying – but you need to make sure practitioners at a specific daycare centre are friendly, no matter how senior or junior they may be at their job. No matter how skillful one may be, you need to make sure your child feels safe and comfortable at the centre, especially when you’re not around – and inevitably build good habits. And for that, a friendly practitioner does the job just right.

They Are Patient

This is perhaps the most important factor that decides how great a daycare worker is. A great daycare practitioner is great at handling children patiently; they won’t sigh at whining children, or roll their eyes when a certain toddler won’t go to sleep. They will simply put a smile on their face, and make children do basic tasks without getting frustrated.

They Are Good At Communication

A good practitioner might handle children well – but a great one converses the best with parents as well.

Parents want to be informed of their child’s progress at daycare while they’re not around. Great practitioners accomplish that successfully by being up-to-date and honest about everything, without having to hide anything. For any mistake on their part, they will be the first one to admit it, instead of sweeping it under the rug.

For children, they have short attention spans, and always have to be reminded over and over to complete something. That’s why practitioners should be great at relaying directions in a simple manner, without confusing or annoying the child.

In this way, great practitioners connect the parent/guardian and the child, so that there is no communication gap between the two.

They Are Great At Planning Lessons

Since daycare practitioners have to take care of a bunch of students at once, they have to be great at planning joint lessons. This includes English, Mathematics, nursery rhymes, and even art. Great practitioners should be efficient at conducting interesting classes where children learn a lot – all with smiles on their faces.

Such great daycare practitioners can be found in Oakfield Early Learning Centre. This good nursery in Jumeirah Park hosts professional practitioners, including those exclusively for Children Of Determination as well. They’re all more than capable of engaging children in fun-filled activities, and important lessons, while being good role models; that way, children can grow to be good-natured adults.

So as long as you choose great practitioners to trust, then you have nothing to worry about!

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