Summer Camp Series Pt. 3: Perks For Your Toddler

 In Education, Events

So far, we have discussed the ABCs of summer camp – i.e. basic necessities, and some dos and don’ts every parent should follow. Before we can go any further, we need to understand just how important summer camp is for children.

Some parents might be unaware of all the perks summer camp have to offer, calling it nothing more than a replaceable activity. However, we’re here to tell you otherwise. Here is why summer camp is extremely important for your little one:

It Teaches Children Independence

There is no doubt that toddlers have to depend on their parents – but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a sense of self. In fact, children aged 2 years and above learn to develop independence. Summer camp offers the best way children can get to exercise their independence by physically being away from them. This helps them not only learn how to be self-reliant, but also self-confident.

It Helps Them Socialize

Summer camp is no solo event; it’s where many children group together to partake in some fun activities. This poses a great opportunity for your child to meet and interact with other children, and hopefully make more friends in the process. This helps improve their socializing skills from an early age, which is an important skill to have in later years.

It Exposes Them To New Skills

Summer camps are known to host a range of activities, ranging from exploratory things, to arts and crafts. Such a variety helps children try out different hobbies and tasks they might have never done otherwise. This helps them learn new things, which they might carry on doing even after summer camp.

It Encourages Teamwork

Practitioners who set up summer camps also organize group activities for children to take an active part in – and for good measure. Such group activities help children learn the art of teamwork – i.e. the patience it takes to listen to others, the commitment it takes to work together to complete a task, and the satisfaction one feels when the team wins. Such character-building qualities are great to foster at a young age.

It Continues Education Even In Summer

Education is a lot more than just writing ABCs and 123s on paper. It also involves practical lessons involving science, mathematics, and logical problem-solving. Such skills are better taught outside the classroom – and summer camps are there to help. In fact, camp activities help incorporate the right kind of fun with education, so that not only do toddlers remember their basics, but also learn something new after every passing day.

Nurseries in JLT offer great educational activities to their students – but Oakfield Early Learning Centre stands out because of its innovative approach. Oakfield organizes its own summer camp, that incorporates theme-based activities and projects, which help give children an overall fun learning experience.

To sum up our thoughts about summer camp – it’s not something you should underestimate.

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