Mathematics – As Important As ABCs?

 In Education

Parents are quick to agree that early year education is important for toddlers to have a bright, successful future. But when asked about the importance of mathematics for a toddler, we are met with differing opinions. Parents simply respond with the fact that they value literacy over numeracy.

However, the fact is this: mathematics is as important as the ABCs for children. In fact, shape is the first concept children perceive as soon as they gain a sense of reality and their surroundings. Building on such fundamental concepts of mathematics is vital if you want your child to improve in other aspects, like concentration, inference, and curiosity.

Here are some reasons why mathematics is important for your child:

Improved Logical And Critical Thinking

Mathematics is the basis of all logic and order. It takes a set of data, and makes deductions from it. Exposing children to this aspect of mathematics is extremely beneficial; it helps them inherently become good at solving problems through logic and critical thinking. Instead of just winging through something with their fingers crossed, children exposed to mathematics try finding a solution to a problem in the most efficient way, regardless of how difficult it may be.

Such a logical approach at solving problems and completing tasks will surely reflect into their adulthood, and make them more responsible.

Practical Skills Learned

Perhaps the major reason mathematics is not given much attention is because of how “out of touch” it is from reality. However, the truth is far from that – if anything, our practical lives are based on mathematics.

As children learn how to count, add and subtract from an early age, they become more adept at doing the same things practically; for example, measuring cups of sugar while baking a cake, managing their own budget, saving up money for the next sale – these all become second nature for someone who was exposed to the basics of mathematics from an early age.

More Capable Of Success

Practically speaking, most of all jobs available need some form of mathematical skill, whether it be tallying, managing cost sheets, checking, or simply counting. Someone who has been exposed to the basics of mathematics from an early age will have no issue encountering such tasks, and will in fact excel in them. They will also find it easier to move up the ladder, and land in high-paying careers, simply because of how strategically they can manage tasks, no matter how technical they get.

Now of course, we’re not telling you to open up a calculus book in front of your little one – there are other, smarter ways of teaching toddlers the basics of mathematics. The gist is to normalise the concept to children – the sooner they accept mathematics as a part of life they can’t ignore, the better will they learn simple mathematical principles.

This is where early learning centres come into play; nurseries in Jumeirah Park incorporate mathematics into their curricula with the perfect mix of fun. Oakfield Early Learning Centre is one such nursery that focuses on improving numeracy as much as literacy; not only do the practitioners there complete numerical classwork with students, but engaging them in fun-filled math-related activities.

If you want your little one to have a secure and bright future, their childhood should be the same – secure, bright, with a head start on mathematics!

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