How To Develop A Love For Learning

 In Education, Fun

A lot of things excite children – new toys, new snacks, new friends, and a lot more.

But when it comes to learning something new – well, children shy away.

Don’t worry – that’s something they just can’t help; when learning is taken as a chore instead of something filled with discoveries, then it loses the element of excitement that the biggest of scientists enjoy. It loses it’s magic.

Just because something is bent, does not mean it’s broken – it is up to the parent to fix the problem, by bringing back the child’s love for learning. Here are some cool ways of doing just that, for children of the age 3-5 years:

Remove Any Distractions

If you want your child to be productive, their environment must reflect the same.

No one can work in a cluttered, loud room – especially children, because they have a small attention span to begin with. Therefore, get rid of things you (and your child) don’t need – video games, fancy toys, flashing lights, and everything in between. Make sure their work station is clean and wide enough for them to work comfortably on. They should have an abundance of stationary within hand’s reach; that way, you don’t have to interrupt the lesson every time they have to grab an eraser from the other room.

Make Their Experience Meaningful

If your child wants to learn the difference between floating and sinking, they won’t understand the physics – they’ll most probably sleep through it!

Instead of that, grab a bucket full of water; let them hold a pebble in one hand, and a piece of paper in the other. Tell them to drop both inside – and they’ll gasp at the fact that the pebble fell through, but the paper didn’t!

This is just an example of how you can take a simple lesson, and make it enriching, so that your child not only enjoys it, but also remembers it. Practical lessons work because they’re practical – your child does them physically, and understand it better. Plus, it instils an excitement in them to do more.

Make It Fun!

We know that we’re talking about learning – but when has a bit of fun ever hurt anybody?

If you notice your little nodding in and out of sleep during their lesson, then change tactics; make them learn the alphabet through a rhyme, or make them count to ten by clapping ten times. Involving light songs and movement helps children associate learning with “fun” – that way, they’ll think of studies less as a burden and more as an interesting task.

Don’t Forget To Compliment

A child – much like anyone else – would want to do something they know they’ll get praise for. Therefore, be sure to give them compliments when they get an answer right – even the simplest “Great job!” or “Well done!” can do wonders.

This improves their self-confidence, ultimately making them want to get more answers right – just to get more compliments. In no time, they associate a sense of accomplishment with studying; they’ll feel more inclined towards learning with interest.

Nurseries in Jumeirah Park know just how important it is for children to develop a love for learning. Oakfield Early Learning Centre does this exceptionally well by incorporating fun into education; apart from having the EYFS curriculum dedicated to this, they also organise enriching field trips so that children get a hands-on experience of the world around them. This makes them more open-minded, and curious to learn more.

These are just a few of the best ways to instil a love for learning in your child. Progress may be slow – maybe even static – at first, but that does not mean the magic is not working. In no time, your child will have a will to learn more, without you even saying anything.

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