20 Science Facts that’ll leave your child Awestruck

 In Education, Fun

Children are often called “little scientists” – and that is no understatement. Every parent out there is somewhat familiar to their child asking tons of questions like “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why do we have eyebrows?”, “Where did we come from?” – and a lot more.

The fact that even half of these questions are practically unanswerable proves to show how intuitive the young mind can be. It is a parent’s duty to never let this curiosity die; instead, they should fan this flame by providing fun, interesting facts about science on a daily.

Lucky for you, here are 20 fun science things your child would love to know:


1) Strawberries are the only fruits that grow their seeds on the outside.
2) Your eye can detect and differentiate over 10 million colours.
3) Elephants can actually sing! Their “singing” is in the ultrasound range – it’s so low, you can’t hear them. They use this to keep the herd together and find mates.
4) Apart from unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints.
5) Octopuses have 3 hearts in total – that’s a lot!
6) Squirrels plant more trees than an average human in their lifetime – by hiding acorns under the soil, but then forgetting about them.
7) Marie Curie is the only known scientist who has been awarded two Nobel Prizes.
8) Although robotics is a fairly recent field of science, Leonardo da Vinci had broken through that barrier ages ago – in fact, he had made the first robotic sketch way back in 1495.
9) Rabbits and parrots can see behind their heads – even without moving their heads!
10) Although the Stegosaurus dinosaur was 9 meters long, it’s brain was the size of a walnut!
11) Butterflies taste food by standing on them! Their taste receptors are on their feet, not on their tongues.
12) Ostriches can run faster than horses, and can roar louder than lions.
13) Although lightning may look huge, it’s actually as small as a ballpoint!
14) Some types of bamboo can grow up to a meter long within a day
15) The smallest bone in the body is the stirrup, located inside your ear – its as small as a grain of rice!
16) A shrimp’s heart is in its head
17) Armadillos, opossums, and sloth’s spend about 80% of their lives sleeping.
18) The cosmos contains approximately 50,000,000,000 galaxies.
19) No matter its size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
20) An Astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space. The cartilage disks in the spine expand in the absence of gravity.

Science can create geniuses out of the mediocre, with many things to learn and explore. Children need exposure to science because it broadens their horizons, and improves their thinking skills – and early learning centers are well aware of this!

An early learning center in JLT like Oakfield make sure a child’s naturally curious and intuitive mind remains thriving; interactive experiments and productive classes keep your child constantly interested in learning more about how the world works. Intake of information and experience ultimately affects your child’s early development positively – so much so, that you just might be harbouring the next Einstein!

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