Are you Forever Exhausted? You must pe parent to a Toddler.

 In Tips on Childcare

Your child is a bundle of energy. Often you might wonder how such a small individual can put even a full-grown individual to shame when it comes to energy levels. From the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep, they are constantly on the move. In fact, keeping up with them is exhausting for parents.

Children, unlike adults, are extremely focussed on what they are doing. For them, there is no such thing as planning. They live in the present. If there is a toy, they will play with it, till they get bored; if they are running in circles, they will continue to do so, unless something else catches their fancy. Adults, on the other hand, are often working on many things simultaneously. While they are physically indulging in one activity, other activities are in planning stages in their mind. This is energy sapping, and can lead to exhaustion. If you are one such parent, here are some tips to help you –

  • You are already the perfect parent

Every child is perfect in their parent’s eyes. The same is true for the parent too. Irrespective of how much or how little you do for your child, your child will love you, unconditionally. Therefore, going overboard in showing your love, is not going to add to your child’s affection for you. They already love you more than you know and look up to you. And so, the sooner you realise that 100% is not required, and perhaps not possible, the more relaxed you will start feeling.

  • Allow your child to make mistakes

Many parents feel that it is their duty to protect their child from every danger. However, children, especially toddlers, are quite curious and ready to explore the world. They wish to assert their independence and try to do everything on their own. Remember that you cannot be everywhere all the time. You can only do so much. And remember, there are always things that are not under your control. Please make sure that the environment is safe for your child and then let your child learn by making their own mistakes. This is the principle of “Natural Consequence”. The quicker you come to terms with it, the more relaxed you will be.

  • Stop being too hard on yourself

Your children need happy parents, not perfect parents. Happy parents translate to happy children. If you continue to feel overwhelmed, consider putting your child into a nursery where they will be constructively occupied. With excellent nurseries in JLT such as Oakfield, your child will be well taken care of while you can have a few relaxed hours to yourself.

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